About Lauren


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30728351_791085384419180_3643935891279314944_nfarmgirlwithcurls.com shares stories on farming and country music as a way of life. I share the hard work and dedication it takes to make a business and one’s dreams a reality. I share spiritual inspirations and personal experiences on setting and achieving goals. I share the stories of others in achieving their career aspirations no matter the cost. I am a farmer’s daughter with a degree in journalism, be inspired by the hard work and dedication it takes to makes dreams a reality and leave your mark in the world!

Hi there!

My name is Lauren and I am not just an ordinary girl from Ohio. I farm north of Cincinnati, with my dad, mom, piglets and nine cats. Little did I know this was in my future when my dad grew his passion for raising pigs into a business in the 1970’s. He is a first generation farmer who has faced more hardship than I can imagine going through. Some days I wonder why God made me the daughter of a pig farmer and it is through caring for these animals when I realize exactly why He did.

I hold close to vivid memories of working with my family on the farm as a child. I remember the summers seeming endless as my little brother and I showed pigs at the county fair. We spent our summer days walking the pigs down our back country road, chasing after them through the fields and resting our heads on their bellies for a nap at the end of the day. The pigs were entertained by chewing on our rubber boots and begging us to sneak them a potato chip after their walks. Those summers have come to a close only to open up a new chapter of my life as I take care of the piglets born every week and write stories on the country music that helps get me through a hard day’s work.

4923_101491461953_87742171953_2558484_7437175_nI developed a passion for writing and public speaking in high school on the FFA Agricultural Communications Team. I graduated from Miami University with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Women’s studies and a Master of Science in Family Studies. One might ask why I am still on the family farm, so I created this blog to write my experiences in hopes you will learn why. Just as my Great Aunt Dee shared stories to me about homesteading through the Great Depression, I hope to share stories with others about family farming and my bond with our animals.

Thanks for joining me and my piglets as we share our adventures one oink at a time!


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